What Is Your Lucky Symbol?
09vk3Ok What Is Your Lucky Symbol? What Is Your Lucky Symbol? What will bring you great luck?

Would you say you carry a ton of regrets?

Would you say you carry a ton of regrets?
  • Yes I do
  • I try not to
  • No I don't

What's your main source of concern at the moment?

What's your main source of concern at the moment?
  • I have trouble enjoying life
  • I've been having terrible nightmares
  • Tough times with my significant other
  • No success in anything I do
  • Other

What would you like to improve in your life?

What would you like to improve in your life?
  • Stability
  • Self-realization
  • Job income
  • Love and relationships
  • Enjoying the moment

Do you consider yourself stuck in the past?

Do you consider yourself stuck in the past?
  • Absolutely
  • Not really
  • No I'm not

Do you believe in the supernatural?

Do you believe in the supernatural?
  • Definitely
  • I kind of do
  • No I don't

Are you currently in a relationship?

Are you currently in a relationship?
  • Yes I am
  • No I'm not
  • It's complicated

Have any of these things happen to you recently?

Have any of these things happen to you recently?
  • I've moved
  • I graduated
  • I got married
  • I got a new job
  • None of these

Do you try your luck often?

Do you try your luck often?
  • Probably more than I should
  • Not too often
  • No I don't

Do you believe certain items can contain luck?

Do you believe certain items can contain luck?
  • Yes I do
  • No I don't
  • I'm unsure

Would you consider yourself lucky?

Would you consider yourself lucky?
  • Yes I would
  • No I wouldn't