What Should You Not Change About Yourself?
0IIxgz6 What Should You Not Change About Yourself? What Should You Not Change About Yourself? What should you keep exactly the same?

Are you satisfied with your life?

Are you satisfied with your life?
  • Yes I am
  • I am somewhat
  • No I'm not

Do you wear your heart on your sleeve?

Do you wear your heart on your sleeve?
  • Definitely
  • It depends
  • No I don't

Do you live your life according to other's opinions?

Do you live your life according to other's opinions?
  • Yes I do
  • Not usually
  • No I don't

Which would you consider yourself?

Which would you consider yourself?
  • Optimist
  • Realist
  • Pessimist

Are you happy with how you look?

Are you happy with how you look?
  • No I'm not
  • It fluctuates
  • Yes I am

What is your strongest quality?

What is your strongest quality?
  • Humility
  • Confidence
  • Optimism
  • Kindness
  • Creativity

Are you afraid of confrontations?

Are you afraid of confrontations?
  • Yes I am
  • It depends
  • No I'm not

Why do your friends usually call you?

Why do your friends usually call you?
  • For advice
  • To have a good laugh
  • For inspiration
  • To follow up with plans
  • Other

Do you prefer to stand out from the crowd or blend in?

Do you prefer to stand out from the crowd or blend in?
  • Stand out
  • Blend in

Which do you consider yourself in your group of friends?

Which do you consider yourself in your group of friends?
  • The comedian
  • The trendsetter
  • The cheerful one
  • The confident one
  • The unique one
  • Other