How Old-Fashioned Are You?
0NvMWup How Old-Fashioned Are You? How Old-Fashioned Are You? Are you totally modern?

How do you feel about technology?

How do you feel about technology?
  • I'm not a fan of it
  • I love having the newest things
  • It's interesting but I don't use it
  • I use it every now and then

Children should be:

Children should be:
  • Seen and not heard
  • Cherished
  • Disciplined when they misbehave

Are you big on tradition?

Are you big on tradition?
  • Not at all
  • Absolutely
  • It depends

Where do you believe a woman's place?

Where do you believe a woman's place?
  • Staying at home and taking care of duties
  • Out doing whatever her heart desires
  • Working but also taking care of the home

Would you ever punish a child that is not yours?

Would you ever punish a child that is not yours?
  • No I wouldn't
  • Of course I would
  • It depends what they did

Do you ever say what's on your mind?

Do you ever say what's on your mind?
  • All the time
  • I keep my mouth shut
  • I do every once in awhile

How important is chivalry to you?

How important is chivalry to you?
  • It's extremely important
  • It's not important at all
  • It's somewhat important
  • I'm unsure

What do you believe is the most important thing a parent can give a child?

What do you believe is the most important thing a parent can give a child?
  • Love
  • Support
  • Discipline
  • Routine
  • Attention

What would you most likely use to write a letter?

What would you most likely use to write a letter?
  • Pen and paper
  • Typewriter
  • Computer
  • Cellphone

What are your thoughts on the LGBTQ community?

What are your thoughts on the LGBTQ community?
  • I think it's wrong
  • I'm indifferent
  • I'm not a fan but I don't hate them
  • I support them
  • I absolutely love it