What Pie Flavor Matches Your Personality Best?
0TnWwAJ What Pie Flavor Matches Your Personality Best? What Pie Flavor Matches Your Personality Best? Warning: This quiz may leave you craving a delicious slice of pie!

Which word describes your closest friend best?

Which word describes your closest friend best?
  • Social
  • Down-to-earth
  • Funny
  • Sweet
  • Spunky

What's your favorite holiday?

What's your favorite holiday?
  • April Fool's Day
  • Valentine's Day
  • Halloween
  • Christmas

Choose a verb!

Choose a verb!
  • Smiling
  • Laughing
  • Playing
  • Dancing

What kind of child were you?

What kind of child were you?
  • Talkative
  • Well-behaved
  • Troublemaker
  • Polite
  • Free spirit

Pick a drink to cool you off on a hot day.

Pick a drink to cool you off on a hot day.
  • Lemonade
  • Fruit smoothie
  • Iced tea

Where would you go on a dream date?

Where would you go on a dream date?
  • To the park for a picnic
  • To a romantic restaurant
  • To your date's house for a cozy dinner
  • To a theme park
  • To a dive bar

Which pet do you prefer?

Which pet do you prefer?
  • Dog
  • Goldfish
  • Hamster
  • Cat
  • Snake

About how many hours of sleep do you get on weekdays?

About how many hours of sleep do you get on weekdays?
  • Less than 7
  • Between 7 and 9
  • More than 9

Do you volunteer with any charitable organization?

Do you volunteer with any charitable organization?
  • Yes, all the time
  • No, but I've always wanted to
  • No, I don't have the time to right now

What irritates you most?

What irritates you most?
  • People who don't want to have fun
  • High maintenance people
  • People who lack a sense of humor
  • When people are rude to others
  • People who blindly follow the crowd