What Percent Brooklyn Are You?
0UEf7n2 What Percent Brooklyn Are You? What Percent Brooklyn Are You? People from Brooklyn are known for their eccentric and unique way of life. Do you know what percent Brooklyn you are? Are you ready to find out?

Have you ever referred to a band or artist as a “sell out?”

Have you ever referred to a band or artist as a “sell out?”
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe once or twice

Where do you tend to buy your clothing?

Where do you tend to buy your clothing?
  • At a big box store such as Target
  • Online from various sellers
  • At a boutique
  • At a thrift shop

How many times have you had kale this week?

How many times have you had kale this week?
  • 7 times
  • 6 times
  • 4 times
  • 1 time

What’s your preferred method of transportation?

What’s your preferred method of transportation?
  • I like to drive
  • I like to ride my bike
  • I like to walk
  • I like public transportation

How do you define spirituality?

How do you define spirituality?
  • Healing crystals
  • Tarot/astrology
  • Religion or god

Do you have trouble finishing things you start?

Do you have trouble finishing things you start?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

When it comes to books, what’s your favorite genre?

When it comes to books, what’s your favorite genre?
  • Sci-fi/fantasy
  • Mystery/horror
  • General fiction
  • I like non-fiction

If you had to give yourself a label, what would it be?

If you had to give yourself a label, what would it be?
  • Hippie
  • Yuppie
  • Free spirit
  • Creator
  • Caretaker

Are you a dog or a cat person?

Are you a dog or a cat person?
  • Dog person
  • Cat person
  • I'm an every animal person

How many times per week do you shower?

How many times per week do you shower?
  • Maybe once or twice
  • Two or three times
  • Three or four times
  • Everyday