What Adjective Sums Up Your Entire Life?
0Wxi5HG What Adjective Sums Up Your Entire Life? What Adjective Sums Up Your Entire Life? Take this quiz to reveal what descriptive word from the English language sums up your entire life.

In your opinion, what is the cutest baby animal?

In your opinion, what is the cutest baby animal?
  • Puppy
  • Kitten
  • Chick
  • Bunny

What color are your eyes?

What color are your eyes?
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Brown
  • Hazel
  • Gray

You are...

You are...
  • Tall
  • Short
  • Average

You usually crave _____ snacks.

You usually crave _____ snacks.
  • Sweet
  • Salty
  • It depends

The most influential person in your life is...

The most influential person in your life is...
  • A parent
  • A friend
  • A partner or spouse
  • A colleague
  • None of these

What is something that you worry about?

What is something that you worry about?
  • Finances
  • My looks
  • My relationships
  • Regrets
  • More than one of these
  • None of these

If you could live (or relive) any decade, which one would it be?

If you could live (or relive) any decade, which one would it be?
  • The Twenties
  • The Forties
  • The Fifties
  • The Sixties
  • The Eighties
  • None of these

You are a _____.

You are a _____.
  • Man
  • Woman

Pick a color that makes you feel ENERGIZED.

Pick a color that makes you feel ENERGIZED.
  • Yellow or Green
  • Red or Blue
  • Pink or Purple
  • Orange or Grey

Your identify more with

Your identify more with
  • Introverts
  • Extroverts