Can We Guess How Joyful You Are?
0aa9f00 Can We Guess How Joyful You Are? Can We Guess How Joyful You Are? How truly happy are you?

How's life treating you?

How's life treating you?
  • Perfect
  • Great
  • It's okay
  • Could be better

Would you say your life is close to ideal?

Would you say your life is close to ideal?
  • Not really
  • Yes it is
  • Somewhat
  • It is mostly

Have you found your other half?

Have you found your other half?
  • Still looking
  • Yes and we're in love
  • Yes and we're pretty happy
  • No and I'm not sure I will

Would you say you smile often?

Would you say you smile often?
  • All the time
  • Most of the time
  • Sometimes
  • Not really

What do you think the future holds for you?

What do you think the future holds for you?
  • Endless possibilities
  • A great opportunity
  • I'm not sure

Which would you say you are?

Which would you say you are?
  • Optimistic
  • Pessimistic
  • I'm unsure

Do you believe in destiny?

Do you believe in destiny?
  • Absolutely
  • No I do not
  • Somewhat

Would you say you laugh easily?

Would you say you laugh easily?
  • I laugh at almost anything
  • I'd say I laugh pretty often
  • I don't laugh as much as I'd like

Are you and your family close?

Are you and your family close?
  • Of course
  • As close as can be
  • Not very close

How's your social life?

How's your social life?
  • I have a bunch of great friends
  • A few close friends
  • At least one or two
  • Mostly alone