Which First Name Actually Matches Your Personality?
0axnELF Which First Name Actually Matches Your Personality? Which First Name Actually Matches Your Personality? The name you were given at birth might not be the name that really matches your personality. If you've ever felt like your name wasn't for you, there was probably a reason! Which first name actually matches your personality? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out!

Are you a man or a woman?

Are you a man or a woman?
  • Man
  • Woman
  • Prefer not to say

Choose your favorite drink garnish:

Choose your favorite drink garnish:
  • Lemon
  • Pineapple
  • Cherry
  • Lime
  • Orange peel

What's the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up?

What's the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up?
  • Meditate
  • Check my phone
  • Turn on the coffee maker
  • Take a shower
  • Hit snooze 5 more times

Where would you rather vacation?

Where would you rather vacation?
  • In a historical city
  • By the beach
  • In the woods camping
  • In the mountains

Which city could you picture yourself living in for at least a year?

Which city could you picture yourself living in for at least a year?
  • Madrid
  • London
  • New York
  • Paris
  • Los Angeles

If you won an award at work, which of the following would it be?

If you won an award at work, which of the following would it be?
  • Best Creative Thinker
  • Best Attendance
  • Best Mediator
  • Best Work Ethic

What's your go to movie genre?

What's your go to movie genre?
  • Romance
  • Documentary
  • Horror
  • Action
  • Comedy

If you were to star in your own reality show, what kind would it be?

If you were to star in your own reality show, what kind would it be?
  • Cooking or baking
  • Home improvement or DIY
  • Dating show
  • Surviving in the wild

In your circle of friends, you're usually:

In your circle of friends, you're usually:
  • The planner
  • The analyzer
  • The shoulder to cry on
  • The instigator
  • The late one

Choose your preferred color for an accent wall:

Choose your preferred color for an accent wall:
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Pink
  • Black