Which Revolutionary Are You?
Which Revolutionary Are You?
Do you feel motivated and want to make a change?
How would you feel about living in a country with a government?

- I'd hate it
- I wouldn't mind it
- I'd join the government
- I'm not bothered as long as nothing is started
- Other
What's your ideal revolutionary activity?

- Democratic elections
- Philosophical thinking
- Leading guerrilla forces
- Teaching a new language
- Other
What's your weakness?

- My dangerous reputation
- My humility
- I'm vindictive
- I'm an authoritative leader
- I'm not sure
Do you speak any foreign languages?

- I'm trying to learn French
- Turkish
- Spanish
- I only speak English
- I speak many languages
What do you think about religion?

- I'm Jewish
- I'm catholic
- I believe in a higher power
- I do not believe in religion
What's your weapon of choice?

- Academic research
- Soviet missiles
- Musical instruments
- Other
- Quill pen
Do you believe violence is a necessary evil?

- Yes I do
- It depends
- No I don't
How do you feel about money?

- Has no purpose
- Belongs to the people
- Helps trades
- Other
Do you believe men and women are equal?

- Of course I do
- No I don't
Which is the greatest?

- Peace
- Equality
- Freedom
- God