What’s Your 60s Nickname?
What’s Your 60s Nickname?
Do you think you know what your nickname might’ve been in the 60s? Take this quiz and find out!
Politically speaking, what side do you land on?

What constitutes your perfect day (weather wise)?

- Rainy and calm
- Sunny and breezy
- Snowy and cold
- Foggy and grey
- Hot and sunny
Who is your favorite 60s musician?

- Bob Dylan
- Jimi Hendrix
- Janis Joplin
- Joni Mitchell
- The Beatles
Do you prefer the beach or the city?

- The Beach
- The City
- Neither
Were you ever referred to as a hippie or flower child?

- Yes
- No
- I'm not sure what that means
Would you ever consider living in a tree house or in a similar type of situation?

- Absolutely it sounds like fun
- Maybe if it's the right tree
- I'm afraid of heights
- No but I'd live underground
What is your favorite time of day?

- Dusk
- Morning
- Dawn
- Afternoon
- Night
What are you known for?

- My sense of humor
- My style
- My artistic ability
- My carefree nature
- My spirituality
What is your favorite flower?

- Rose
- Iris
- Daisy
- Sunflower
- Morning Glory
Are you artistically inclined?

- Yes I love to create art
- I love it but I'm not good at at it
- Art is not my strong point