What Kind Of Wings Do You Have?
What Kind Of Wings Do You Have?
Do you perhaps have angel wings
What Inspires you?

- Faith
- Love
- Talent
- Selflessness
- Other
Are you skeptical or hopeful?

- Skeptical
- Hopeful
- I'm unsure
What tends to occupy your mind?

- The past
- The present
- The future
- The afterlife
Which is most important to you?

- Presenting a good example
- Protecting my loved ones
- Offering guidance
- Fighting for freedom
- Providing positive energy
Do you see yourself leading others in difficult times?

Which of these is most important to have?

- Loyalty
- Justice
- Individuality
- Leadership
- Determination
If you could fly, how do you think you'd feel?

- Inspired
- Hopeful
- Brave
- Frightened
- I'm not sure
What do you hope people see you as?

- Hopeful and positive
- Selfless and caring
- Strong and sensible
- Wise and experienced
- I'm not sure
What would you say your biggest flaw is?

- I'm a perfectionist
- I'm gullible
- I can be vengeful
- I can be annoying
- Other
Would you say you're an outgoing person?

- I tend to be quiet
- Only with loved ones
- I would say so