Does Your Personality Resemble Fire Or Ice?
0e51178 Does Your Personality Resemble Fire Or Ice? Does Your Personality Resemble Fire Or Ice? Are you passionate like fire or calm like ice?

How do you feel meeting new people?

How do you feel meeting new people?
  • Nervous
  • Excited
  • Indifferent

Which do you usually follow more?

Which do you usually follow more?
  • My mind
  • My heart

Do you open up to others easily?

Do you open up to others easily?
  • Yes I do
  • No I don't

What do you do when a conflict arises?

What do you do when a conflict arises?
  • I panic
  • I try to think of a solution
  • I ignore it
  • Other

Do you prefer to be surrounded by others or be alone?

Do you prefer to be surrounded by others or be alone?
  • Be surrounded by others
  • Be alone

Which one sounds more like you?

Which one sounds more like you?
  • Optimistic
  • Pessimistic
  • Realistic

Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?

Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?
  • Yes I have
  • No I haven't

Would you consider yourself judgemental?

Would you consider yourself judgemental?
  • Who isn't?
  • I wouldn't say I am

Do you have a quick temper?

Do you have a quick temper?
  • Absolutely
  • Not at all

Are you more likely to start conflicts or avoid them?

Are you more likely to start conflicts or avoid them?
  • Start conflicts
  • Avoid them