Which Country Matches Your Values?
0ea090c Which Country Matches Your Values? Which Country Matches Your Values? Every country has a set of values that helps to define the nation as a whole. Do you know which country in the world best matches your core values? Is it the country you have in mind? Take these 10 questions and reveal which country truly best suits you.

Do you tend to need more time alone or time with others?

Do you tend to need more time alone or time with others?
  • Time alone
  • Time with others
  • It depends on the day

Would you ever have in in-law suite in your home?

Would you ever have in in-law suite in your home?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I'm not sure

What is the craziest thing you've either done or could see yourself doing?

What is the craziest thing you've either done or could see yourself doing?
  • Quitting my job out of anger
  • Getting married too soon
  • Dropping out of college
  • Moving to a foreign country
  • Going off the grid

What annoys you the most?

What annoys you the most?
  • People who are closed minded
  • Bluetooth headsets
  • Being interrupted
  • Bad etiquette
  • Laziness

What personal trait do you most want to pass on to your kids?

What personal trait do you most want to pass on to your kids?
  • Compassion
  • Sense of humor
  • Thirst for knowledge
  • Love of culture
  • Sense of duty

How do you spend your free time?

How do you spend your free time?
  • Catching up with family and friends
  • Working on a passion project
  • Reading or watching TV
  • People watching
  • Shopping or running errands

When do you feel most at peace?

When do you feel most at peace?
  • When I'm at home
  • When I'm at church
  • When I'm surrounded by loved ones
  • When I'm in nature
  • I always feel at peace

What era do you secretly wish you were born in?

What era do you secretly wish you were born in?
  • The 1920s
  • The 1930s
  • The 1940s
  • The 1950s
  • The 1960s

How important is love in your life?

How important is love in your life?
  • Very important
  • Somewhat important
  • Not important at all

What holiday is most important to you?

What holiday is most important to you?
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • New Years
  • None of these