What Are Three Things That You’ll Never Experience Again?
0f39ffb What Are Three Things That You’ll Never Experience Again? What Are Three Things That You’ll Never Experience Again? As time moves forward, certain trends, items, and prices fade into obscurity. What are the three things that you'll never experience again? Take these 10 questions and find out!

If you could time travel, where would you go?

If you could time travel, where would you go?
  • The 1800s
  • The 1940s
  • The 1970s
  • Ancient times

As a child, what job did you most dream of having?

As a child, what job did you most dream of having?
  • Astronaut
  • Actress/actor
  • Broadway dancer
  • Writer
  • Teacher

Think about your favorite Halloween costume as a kid. What were you dressed up as?

Think about your favorite Halloween costume as a kid. What were you dressed up as?
  • One of the Beatles
  • Steve McQueen
  • The MAD magazine mascot
  • A ghost
  • A witch

Which musical act can always make you feel nostalgic?

Which musical act can always make you feel nostalgic?
  • The Beatles
  • Elvis Presley
  • Chuck Berry
  • Bing Crosby
  • Patsy Cline

How do you prefer to read books on an e-reader or in your hands?

How do you prefer to read books on an e-reader or in your hands?
  • E-reader
  • Physically
  • I read both ways

As a kid, how did you spend a summer afternoon?

As a kid, how did you spend a summer afternoon?
  • At the drive in
  • Doing cannonballs into a local pool
  • Hitting the park with my friends
  • Giving makeovers to the neighborhood girls
  • Hanging out at the local cinema

Do you still have your favorite stuffed animal from childhood?

Do you still have your favorite stuffed animal from childhood?
  • Absolutely
  • I think so
  • No I donated him to charity

Which all American food gets you all buzzy for the past?

Which all American food gets you all buzzy for the past?
  • Hamburgers
  • Hot dogs
  • Meatloaf
  • Mac and Cheese
  • Pot roast

How would you describe your current style?

How would you describe your current style?
  • Vintage
  • Eclectic
  • Trendy
  • Classic
  • Comfortable

Do you believe that kids today have it better or worse than you did?

Do you believe that kids today have it better or worse than you did?
  • Better
  • Worse
  • They lead very different lives than I did