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Which Republican Candidate Should Get Your Vote?
Which Republican Candidate Should Get Your Vote?
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Which of the following three republican candidates should get your vote?
Do you support increasing taxes for the rich?
Of course
Not at all
Do you support Common Core national standards?
Of course I do
Not at all
I'm unsure
What type of personality do you think should be in the White House?
A bold and confident personality
Someone smooth and persuasive
Someone friendly and understanding
Do you believe religion should play a big part in the government?
Yes I do
Not at all
I'm on the fence about it
What do you believe the future president should do about immigration?
Create a path to citizenship
Build a wall
Institute a guest-worker program
Do you believe climate change is an imminent threat?
Of course not
Do you believe there should be stricter regulations on purchasing a gun?
Yes I do
Not at all
Do you think there should be term limits for members of Congress?
Not at all
I'm unsure
Yes there should
What is your stance on abortion?
I'm against it
I'm for it
It depends on the situation
Do you believe prisons should ban the use of solidarity confinement for prisoners?
Of course not
Yes I do
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