Which School Grade Do You Need To Repeat?
10R8eCr Which School Grade Do You Need To Repeat? Which School Grade Do You Need To Repeat? Do you know which grade you need a refresher course in? Take these 10 questions and find out just what grade you need to repeat!

When learning something new, I tend to get _________ if I don't quickly understand.

When learning something new, I tend to get _________ if I don't quickly understand.
  • Frustrated
  • Overwhelmed
  • Unfocused
  • Bored
  • Talkative
  • Other

When it comes to team projects, you are a _________.

When it comes to team projects, you are a _________.
  • Leader
  • Contributer
  • Follower
  • Pain
  • Other

When in school, your parents often said that you were quite ______ for your age.

When in school, your parents often said that you were quite ______ for your age.
  • Mature
  • Immature
  • Weird
  • Together
  • Behind
  • Other

How do you handle criticism?

How do you handle criticism?
  • I learn from it
  • I cry
  • I get angry
  • I criticize back
  • I just let it roll

In a dire situation, do you sink or swim?

In a dire situation, do you sink or swim?
  • I sink
  • I swim
  • I float

Do you think that focusing on your past is a healthy way of dealing with the present?

Do you think that focusing on your past is a healthy way of dealing with the present?
  • Definitely
  • Not at all
  • In certain circumstances

Technology is _________.

Technology is _________.
  • My life
  • Important for advancement
  • Ruining imagination
  • Making life easier
  • Addictive
  • Other

What do you wish you knew how to do better?

What do you wish you knew how to do better?
  • Write
  • Work with computers
  • Draw/paint
  • Socialize
  • Focus
  • Other

Are you happy staying in one place for long periods of time?

Are you happy staying in one place for long periods of time?
  • Absolutely not
  • Yes I feel most comfortable in one place
  • It depends on the day

Are you good at multi-tasking?

Are you good at multi-tasking?
  • I'm adequate
  • I'm amazing at it!
  • I'm not the best
  • Ugh, please don't ask me that!