How Many People Will Attend Your Funeral?
How Many People Will Attend Your Funeral?
How many people will pay respect to you?
Do you consider yourself a popular person?

- Not at all
- Somewhat
- Yes I do
Who do you miss most when they're gone?

- My mom
- My dad
- My partner
- My kids
- Other
Would you say you're active in your community?

- Definitely
- I try to be
- No I'm not
How do you feel when you meet new people?

- Nervous
- Anxious
- Excited
- Indifferent
Do you only want close family and friends at your funeral?

- I don't care
- Yes I do
- No I don't
What do you wish to happen to your body after death?

- I wish to be buried
- To be cremated
- To have my body donated
- Other
Funerals are supposed to be:

- Tearful
- Solemn
- Happy
- Funny
- Sentimental
Do you get scared when you think about death?

- Absolutely
- I try not to
- Not at all
What's your age?

- Twenties
- Thirties
- Forties
- Fifties
- Sixties or up
Are you an outgoing individual?

- Not really
- I try to be
- Yes I am