Are You Pregnant?
Are You Pregnant?
Do you have a bun in the oven?
Have you felt any tenderness in your breasts lately?

- Not at all
- Maybe a little but nothing severe
- I have actually
Have you been feeling more tired lately?

- Nope, I'm pretty energized
- Yes but I've also been working more
- I've definitely been feeling fatigued
Have you had a queasiness?

- A little bit
- Not at all
- Yes I have
Is your period late this month?

- It is actually
- Yes but I usually have irregular periods
- Nope
How's your appetite been lately?

- Great
- I've had cravings here and there
- Not good. I feel sick thinking of certain foods
Have your clothes felt a little tight?

- Yes but I haven't gained weight
- Not all
- Yes and I've gained weight
How's your mood been?

- I've been extremely emotional
- I've been emotional here and there
- It's been fine
Have you been going to the bathroom more frequently?

- Yes and it's annoying
- A little bit
- No I haven't
Have you felt bloated at all?

- All the time
- Only when I eat certain food
- No I haven't
Do you have any spotting or light bleeding?

- Yes actually
- Very rarely
- No I haven't