How Long Are You Expected To Live?
How Long Are You Expected To Live?
How many years will you spend on this earth?
How old are you currently?
- 18-25
- 25-35
- 35-45
- 45-55
- 55+
How healthy do you usually eat?
- My diet is extremely healthy
- My diet is pretty healthy but I enjoy a treat here or there
- It's not the healthiest
How often do you exercise a week?
- 6 times a week
- 3-5 times a week
- 1-3 times a week
- Whenever I make time
- I never work out
What type of person are you?
How often do you party?
- Every night
- A couple times a week
- I never party
Do you currently use any recreational drugs?
- Of course
- I use to but not anymore
- Not at all
How often would you say you get stressed?
- I'm frequently stressed
- I sometimes get stressed
- I rarely get stressed
How do you feel about meeting new people?
- I absolutely hate it
- I don't mind meeting new people
- I love meeting new people
What would you most likely do if you felt a sudden ache in your head?
- I'd just pop some headache medicine and hope it goes away
- I google the symptoms
- I ignore it
- I go to the doctors if it persist
- I'm not sure
Would you say you're at a healthy body weight?
- Not at all
- Somewhat
- I'd say so