Can We Guess What Language You Studied In School?
15Knrqs Can We Guess What Language You Studied In School? Can We Guess What Language You Studied In School? Everyone had to study some kind of language in school, but can we guess which one you chose? With these 10 revealing quiz questions, we'll decide which language you studied based on who you are. Ready for the results? Start the quiz!

Do you like to read?

Do you like to read?
  • Not even a little bit.
  • I love a good classic!
  • I read almost everyday.
  • Do magazines count?

Do you play a musical instrument?

Do you play a musical instrument?
  • One? I play five!
  • I've dabbled in a few.
  • I play one instrument.
  • I don't play any instruments.

Do you prefer to use numbers or words?

Do you prefer to use numbers or words?
  • I'm a words person, most definitely.
  • I'm a numbers person, all the way.
  • I'm a mix of both.

If you could choose your ideal future career, what would it be?

If you could choose your ideal future career, what would it be?
  • Researcher
  • Author
  • Engineer
  • Doctor

You want to express affection for someone. What do you do?

You want to express affection for someone. What do you do?
  • Write them a letter or poem.
  • Cook them a nice meal.
  • Buy them an unexpected gift.
  • I just tell them straight up.

Do you like to repeat the same thing over and over?

Do you like to repeat the same thing over and over?
  • No, it drives me insane!
  • Sometimes, repetition can be helpful.
  • Yes, I love to!

What do you do for fun?

What do you do for fun?
  • People watch.
  • Play video games.
  • Read or write.
  • Hang out with friends.

Why are people the way they are?

Why are people the way they are?
  • Biology.
  • Past experiences.
  • Parenting.
  • Environment.

Do you like to keep a planner, a budget, or a journal?

Do you like to keep a planner, a budget, or a journal?
  • Yes, I use all three.
  • I use a planner.
  • I journal.
  • I budget.

Choose your weapon:

Choose your weapon:
  • A pen.
  • A calculator.
  • A camera.
  • A smile.