Are You Really Ready To Have Kids?
1702cbb Are You Really Ready To Have Kids? Are You Really Ready To Have Kids? Kids can be one of the most wonderful adventures a person can embark upon, but at you ready to set off on that journey just yet? Take these 10 questions and find out if you're really ready to have kids!

Do your friends currently have kids?

Do your friends currently have kids?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Just one or two

Which best describes your feelings on parenthood?

Which best describes your feelings on parenthood?
  • It will be a wonderful and rewarding challenge
  • It will make my partner and parents very happy
  • It's just one of those things you do at a certain age

Do you and your partner agree on how to discipline a child?

Do you and your partner agree on how to discipline a child?
  • Yes
  • No
  • We haven't exactly had that talk yet

What kind of relationship would you like to have with your child?

What kind of relationship would you like to have with your child?
  • I want to be their best friend
  • I want to be a good role model
  • I want to be their parent first and their friend second

How is your sex life?

How is your sex life?
  • It's spectacular...truly the heart of my relationship!
  • Great but the bond I have with my partner is more important
  • It's a bit lackluster

What's your social life like?

What's your social life like?
  • It's pretty full, I'm booked up pretty much every night
  • It's healthy but I have a lot of downtime as well
  • I'm kind of a homebody to be honest

What do people often ask you to watch?

What do people often ask you to watch?
  • Their house
  • Their pets
  • Their kids
  • Their plants

How do you feel when your partner takes forever to get ready?

How do you feel when your partner takes forever to get ready?
  • Like I'm going to explode with impatience
  • I'm okay I just flip through a magazine and wait
  • I'm pretty irritated but I deal with it

How do you feel when you don't get enough sleep?

How do you feel when you don't get enough sleep?
  • Like I could fight everyone in my vicinity
  • Totally useless and unmotivated
  • I feel tired but I make the best of the day
  • I down some coffee and get on with my life

Do you always finish what you start?

Do you always finish what you start?
  • For the most part
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely ever