How Charitable Are You?
191649a How Charitable Are You? How Charitable Are You? Do you freely give to others without a second thought or is it a little bit harder for you to part with your hard-earned cash. Take this quiz to discover how charitable you are.

Do you order Girl Scout Cookies?

Do you order Girl Scout Cookies?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don't know

Do you donate unused items?

Do you donate unused items?
  • Yes
  • Sometimes
  • I Usually Forget
  • I don't know

How much do you tip?

How much do you tip?
  • Less than 10%
  • Between 10-15%
  • Over 15%
  • I don't know

Would you ever consider adopting from an animal shelter?

Would you ever consider adopting from an animal shelter?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I'd rather write a check
  • I don't know

Do you donate loose change into the store collection bins?

Do you donate loose change into the store collection bins?
  • Yes
  • Sometimes
  • No
  • I don't know

When you walk past a homeless person you...

When you walk past a homeless person you...
  • Drop some change
  • Avoid eye contact
  • Organize a fundraiser
  • Stop to chat
  • None of these

Do you max out the charitable donation category on your tax return?

Do you max out the charitable donation category on your tax return?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I didn't even know there was such a category
  • I don't know

Do you donate blood?

Do you donate blood?
  • Regurally
  • When there is a blood drive
  • I organize the blood drives
  • None of these

Have you ever volunteered at a school?

Have you ever volunteered at a school?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don't know

Have you ever volunteered abroad?

Have you ever volunteered abroad?
  • Yes
  • Not Yet
  • No
  • I don't know