How Responsible Are You?
How Responsible Are You?
Do you put fun before responsibilities?
Would you say you're a punctual person?

- I'm always on time
- Most of the time
- Sometimes
- Not at all
Do you always take responsibility for your actions?

- No I don't
- Yes I do
- It depends on the situation
If you have a deadline, how do you usually handle it?

- Wait until the day of to work on it
- Work on it in advance
- Work on it when I have time
- Other
Do you usually give excuses?

- All the time
- Only when needed
- I try not to
- Never
Do you tend to put responsibilities before fun?

- Nope
- Depends on the activity
- Yes I do
Do you make goals or commitments only if you know you can keep them?

- No, I accept any request
- Sometimes
- Not usually
- Yes I do
Do you have a goal that you stick to?

- Yes because I keep my goals simple
- I have so many goals that I can't keep track
- I have goals but I have trouble sticking to them
Do you try to learn from mistakes you make?

- All the time
- I don't see a reason to learn
- I try to
Do practice self-control?

- I do not purchase anything that won't benefit me
- Sometimes but I give into temptation
- Not at all
How often do you pay bills on time?

- I send in payments days before it's due
- I mostly pay on time
- About half the time
- Practically never