What Rank Would You Reach In The Police Force?
1Dw18WO What Rank Would You Reach In The Police Force? What Rank Would You Reach In The Police Force? Think you could climb the ranks to be top cop? Your personality will reveal the truth. What rank would you reach in the police force? Are you as police ready as you think? Let's find out!

Are you a physically strong person?

Are you a physically strong person?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Somewhat

Has anyone ever described you as diplomatic?

Has anyone ever described you as diplomatic?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I can't recall.

Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?

Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
  • Early bird
  • Night owl
  • It depends on the day.

How do you feel about paperwork?

How do you feel about paperwork?
  • I love it, anything to keep me busy.
  • I hate it, how boring.
  • It's okay in small doses.

Most of the time, you would rather do your work....

Most of the time, you would rather do your work....
  • Alone.
  • With a partner.
  • With at team.
  • It depends on my mood.

At what age did you first get your drivers license?

At what age did you first get your drivers license?
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 20
  • 21 or older

What type of mystery do you prefer to read?

What type of mystery do you prefer to read?
  • A hard-boiled detective story.
  • An old school who-done-it.
  • A true crime saga.
  • Eh, I'm not much for reading.

How long do you like to wait before forming an opinion about someone?

How long do you like to wait before forming an opinion about someone?
  • No time at all, I go with my gut.
  • A couple of meetings/hang outs.
  • I need to know them for awhile.
  • I never truly form an opinion on anyone.

Which would make you more nervous?

Which would make you more nervous?
  • Giving a speech in public.
  • Breaking terrible news to someone.
  • Being on TV.
  • Getting chewed out by my boss.

In your opinion, you handle stress...

In your opinion, you handle stress...
  • Well.
  • Fairly well.
  • Not well at all.