What Percentage Of Hillary Clinton Are You?
What Percentage Of Hillary Clinton Are You?
How similar are you?
Would you consider yourself spontaneous?
![Would you consider yourself spontaneous?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/qgpJuXpFu2zRP6rNiD2g.jpg)
- Not at all
- It depends
- I would say so
How many hours do you work in an average day?
![How many hours do you work in an average day?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/5Sib4XyzHjDwFRfmV7EM.jpg)
- 5 or less
- 5-6 hours
- 6-7 hours
- 7-8 hours
- 8+ hours
What would you say your best quality is?
![What would you say your best quality is?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/kCZBudYLrAWH6w86N6Vh.jpg)
- I'm honest
- I'm patient
- I'm educated
- I'm caring
- Other
What do you believe is your worst quality?
![What do you believe is your worst quality?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/1v9QcXVPJPNyIPpmdHXy.jpg)
- I can be harsh on others
- I can be selfish
- I can be hot-headed
- I can be too shy
- Other
What do you usually prefer to do with your money?
![What do you usually prefer to do with your money?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/1ieJQWiZiFYwsBWZ1awR.jpg)
- Save it
- Spend it
- Donate it
Do you usually speak your mind?
![Do you usually speak your mind?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/PmQcoe0YiElchhwc5DVb.jpg)
- Of course
- It depends
- Not at all
When was the last time you donated to charity?
![When was the last time you donated to charity?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/v7iDJKeTLdKZDVP4D6NS.jpg)
- Today
- A few days ago
- A few weeks ago
- A few months ago
- I don't even remember
How interested are you in politics?
![How interested are you in politics?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/0T8DOqH6fOSJulnbiL8m.jpg)
- Extremely interested
- I'm somewhat interested
- I'm not interested
Do you consider yourself a confident person?
![Do you consider yourself a confident person?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/hiq5NV6xFLrCzSUBstHn.jpg)
Do you stick to your opinions no matter what?
![Do you stick to your opinions no matter what?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/0kjJrd8sq3Y7QPOBCAER.jpg)
- Of course
- I do unless I'm given a good argument
- Not at all