What Movie Perfectly Describes Your Life?
What Movie Perfectly Describes Your Life?
Is there a movie that describes your life perfectly? Discover it here.
Are things typically black and white for you?

- Yes.
- No, there's some grey area.
- No, life is colorful.
What do you do when things seem hopeless?

- Try harder to find solutions.
- Just keep on going.
- Become depressed.
Have you ever wanted to run away?

- Yes, and I have done it.
- Yes, but I haven't done it.
- No, I have never really felt that way.
Have you always been financially secure?

- Yes.
- No, but I am now.
- No, but I used to be.
- No, I have never been financially secure.
Who do you get along with best?

- Intelligent People
- Caring People
- People Who Love Life
Which part of your attire is more important to you?

- Hats
- Shoes
- Dresses/Dress Shirts
- Blue Jeans
Which bug would you rather meet?

- Butterfly
- Cricket
- Ladybug
Overall, are you happy with your life?

Choose one of the following colors.

- Blue
- Yellow
- Red
- Green
- Gray
How responsible are you , in general?

- Very
- Somewhat
- Not Very
- Not at All