Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Political Views?
1RayF0x Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Political Views? Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Political Views? Political views encompass way more than ‘conservative versus liberal’ classifications. Take this quiz to see if we can guess your age based on what you think is right!

Do you think marijuana should be legalized on a national level?

Do you think marijuana should be legalized on a national level?
  • No, not at all.
  • No, the states should handle it.
  • Yes, but only medicinal marijuana.
  • Yes yes yes!

What is your stance on abortion?

What is your stance on abortion?
  • I'm pro-life, completely.
  • I'm pro-life in most cases.
  • I'm pro-choice in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • I'm completely pro-choice.

Do you think the United States should have a national health care system like England?

Do you think the United States should have a national health care system like England?
  • Yes! Health care should be completely free.
  • Yes, but it will take a lot of time to work out the stipulations.
  • No, it should only be an option, and people should be able to opt for private insurance as well.

Do you support taxpayers' money going to develop drone technology for federal government and defense use?

Do you support taxpayers' money going to develop drone technology for federal government and defense use?
  • Yes, that's progress.
  • Maybe - it depends for what reasons.
  • No, that's unnecessary.

Do you think more money should be allocated to our national defense systems?

Do you think more money should be allocated to our national defense systems?
  • Yes, definitely.
  • I would need to assess the political climate and make an informed decision based on that.
  • No, there are much more deserving causes that more urgently need funds.

Should the NSA be able to record our personal phone calls?

Should the NSA be able to record our personal phone calls?
  • No, that is a HUGE invasion of privacy!
  • They need to have reasonable doubt first.
  • Yes, I have nothing to hide.

What's your stance on the right to bear arms?

What's your stance on the right to bear arms?
  • It is a right that everyone should have. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
  • Gun violence is too high - stricter laws should be enforced.

Are you pro or anti LGBTQ marriage rights?

Are you pro or anti LGBTQ marriage rights?
  • Definitely pro
  • Pro, but with some stipulations
  • Anti, but they should be able to love each other anyway
  • Anti in all regards

Which of these is closest to your feelings about Black Lives Matter?

Which of these is closest to your feelings about Black Lives Matter?
  • It's a great campaign that has brought important social and rights issues into the limelight.
  • I don't have enough information on what has occurred to pick a stance right now.
  • It's well-meaning, but over-sensationalized.

Do you think the United States should get more, or less, involved with international affairs?

Do you think the United States should get more, or less, involved with international affairs?
  • More
  • Less
  • We're fine now.