Do You Have Bad Karma?
1a9ebd1 Do You Have Bad Karma? Do You Have Bad Karma? In both Hinduism and Buddhism, karma is the sum of a person's action in this world and in previous states of being. Karma is seen as deciding your fate in future existences! Do you have bad karma or are you in the clear? Let's find out!

You're on your way home when you spot a wallet. What do you do?

You're on your way home when you spot a wallet. What do you do?
  • Find its rightful owner.
  • Take the cash out and leave it.
  • Leave it, in case someone comes back for it.

What's your earliest memory?

What's your earliest memory?
  • A really great birthday party.
  • My first crush or love.
  • Playing outside.

If you had to write down the thing you're most grateful for right now, it would be....

If you had to write down the thing you're most grateful for right now, it would be....
  • Family
  • Health
  • Prosperity

You're on your way to work when you notice a lost tourist on the street. You immediately...

You're on your way to work when you notice a lost tourist on the street. You immediately...
  • Offer to help.
  • Walk them to their destination.
  • Pretend I don't see them.

When do you feel the luckiest?

When do you feel the luckiest?
  • When I wake up to greet a new day.
  • When surrounded by those I love.
  • When I check my bank account.

What were you like back in high school?

What were you like back in high school?
  • Class clown.
  • Bookworm.
  • Jock.
  • Popular.

If your life were a film, which genre would it be?

If your life were a film, which genre would it be?
  • Comedy
  • Drama
  • Thriller
  • Other

How often do you return library books on time?

How often do you return library books on time?
  • Always, what if someone else wants to check them out?
  • Most of the time, when I remember.
  • ALmost never, I takem y time with them.

Your little brother is less successful than you. Do you ever rub it in?

Your little brother is less successful than you. Do you ever rub it in?
  • Nope, never. He's on his own path.
  • I rib him about it sometimes.
  • I love to bring it up to be honest.

When's the last time you held the door for someone?

When's the last time you held the door for someone?
  • It's every man for himself.
  • I always hold the door for others.
  • If I have time and they're close.