What Is Your Mental Age?
What Is Your Mental Age?
Are you still a child at heart?
What is a more pressing issue for you?

- Money
- Death
- Equality
- Global warming
- None of these
Have you ever told some "I love you" in a romantic sense?

How many relationships have you been in?

- None
- One
- 2-3
- 4-6
- 7 or more
What type of party do you prefer?

- Clubbing
- Wine tasting party
- Dinner party
- Just have a few friends over
Do you think people should adapt to situations or situations should adapt to people?

- People should adapt
- Situations should adapt
- I'm unsure
Where are you more likely to meet with friends?

Which of these would you rather be doing?

- Reading
- Sunbathing
- Hiking
- Browsing the Internet
- Watching tv
How many active social media accounts do you have?

- None
- Just one
- 2-4
- 5-9
- I can't even remember
Have you ever truly forgiven someone who has deeply hurt you?

Do you feel like a grown up?

- Not at all
- Sometimes I do
- Yes I do