Can We Guess Your Biggest Flaw?
1c51a3a Can We Guess Your Biggest Flaw? Can We Guess Your Biggest Flaw? Hey, nobody’s perfect, not even you. We’ve all got flaws. Some of us flaunt them and some of us bury them deep. Do you think we can guess your biggest flaw? Take these 10 questions and find out!

In your group of friends, what is typically your role?

In your group of friends, what is typically your role?
  • The peacekeepr
  • The group photographer
  • The entertainer
  • The shoulder to cry on
  • The doer
  • Other

How have most of your romantic relationships ended?

How have most of your romantic relationships ended?
  • On a sour note
  • On a loud note
  • On a good note
  • With me bawling my eyes out begging them to stay
  • With me doing the talking
  • Other

Who has always been your favorite classic cartoon character?

Who has always been your favorite classic cartoon character?
  • Charlie Brown
  • Mickey Mouse
  • Popeye
  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Bugs Bunny
  • Other

Were you ever bullied in high school or grade school?

Were you ever bullied in high school or grade school?
  • All the time unfortunately
  • No not really
  • I got teased every now and again

If you were to partake in a play, what role would you want to play?

If you were to partake in a play, what role would you want to play?
  • Lead actor/actress
  • Supporting actor/actress
  • Set designer
  • Background player
  • Costume designer
  • Other

How likely are you to spend a large amount of money on a bag or item of clothing?

How likely are you to spend a large amount of money on a bag or item of clothing?
  • Highly likely
  • Somewhat likely
  • Highly unlikely

Which trait is a total turn off in a potential mate?

Which trait is a total turn off in a potential mate?
  • Arrogance
  • Self centeredness
  • Over sensitive
  • Impatience
  • Social media addict
  • Other

Someone just dropped a wallet in front of you. What do you do?

Someone just dropped a wallet in front of you. What do you do?
  • Run after them to give it back
  • Keep it and then call them later
  • Take out any cash and then leave it on the sidewalk
  • Nothing I just leave it
  • Other

Who is your favorite Disney princess?

Who is your favorite Disney princess?
  • Snow white
  • Cinderella
  • Jasmine
  • Aurora
  • Elsa
  • Other

When it comes to friends I believe in ____________.

When it comes to friends I believe in ____________.
  • Quality over quantity
  • Quantity over quality
  • Quality and quantity