What Age Suits You?
What Age Suits You?
What age truly fits you and your personality?
What type of party do you prefer?

- Clubbing
- Dinner party
- Wine tasting
- Other
What are you seeking for in life?

- Adventure
- Guidance
- Wisdom
- Tranquility
- Companionship
How do you like to relax?

- Sleep
- Reading
- Exercise
- Watching tv
- Other
Do you tend to put fun before responsibilities?

- Quite often
- I try not to
- No I don't
What's your ideal Saturday night?

- Going to a big party
- Hopefully on a date
- Spending time with my family
- Watching a good movie
- Probably sleeping
How's life treating you currently?

- It's difficult
- It's a bit challenging but okay
- It's pretty good
- It's great
What would you like your next big purchase to be?

- Tons of clothes
- Probably a vacation
- Buy a car
- Buy a new home
- I'm not too sure
What's your beverage of choice?

- Milkshake
- Soda
- Beer
- Water
- Whiskey
How do you feel about immature jokes?

- I make them all the time
- I love them
- They're okay
- I don't really care
- I hate them
How many romantic relationships have you been in?

- None
- 1-5
- 6-9
- 10-14
- 15 or more