Can We Guess Your Current Location?
Can We Guess Your Current Location?
You can try but you can’t hide!
How many people are around you right now?

Are you procrastinating at all?

- Yes I am
- Possibly
- No I'm not
What's above you currently?

- Popcorn ceiling
- Florescent lights
- Clouds
- Other
What is below you currently?

- Wood floor
- My bed
- Grass
- Laminate floors
- Other
Are you currently moving or sitting still?

How loud could you be right now?

- As loud as I want
- About normal speaking volume
- I have to be pretty quiet
Is it morning or night?

- It's morning
- It's nighttime
Are you surrounded by any animals?

Are you surrounded by strangers?

- Not at all
- Kind of
- Yes I am
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?

- Yeah I do
- I'm pretty content right now