What Would You Die For?
1k2ONNz What Would You Die For? What Would You Die For? We’d all die for something, even if we’re not always wiling to admit it. Do you think you know what you would die for? Take these 10 questions and find out!

What word best describes your outlook on life?

What word best describes your outlook on life?
  • I'm optimistic
  • I'm pessimistic
  • I believe life is futile
  • I see life as a miracle
  • I see life as an adventure

If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would do?

If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would do?
  • Quit my job
  • Call my family
  • Buy a house/car
  • Pay off debt
  • Meet with a financial advisor

Which of these statements best describes you?

Which of these statements best describes you?
  • I always tell the truth
  • I always stand up for what I bleieve in
  • I wear my heart on my sleeve
  • I adore my pets
  • Dream big, work hard

How close are you with your family?

How close are you with your family?
  • Very close
  • Somewhat close
  • I'm close with certain members
  • We're not close at all

What would you change about the way your parents raised you?

What would you change about the way your parents raised you?
  • Absolutely nothing
  • I'd ask them to be more compassionate
  • I'd ask them to spoil me less
  • I'd wish they would've let me get away with more

When a friend or loved one is having a tough day, how do you handle it?

When a friend or loved one is having a tough day, how do you handle it?
  • I call them to cheer them up
  • I show up with pizza and ice cream
  • I take them out for dinner
  • Listen intently and give them support
  • Half listen while texting

Where do you feel the most comfortable day to day?

Where do you feel the most comfortable day to day?
  • At home
  • At work
  • In nature
  • Anywhere my family is
  • At church

If your house was on your fire and you could only grab one object, which would you choose?

If your house was on your fire and you could only grab one object, which would you choose?
  • Family photos
  • A sentimental trinket
  • My laptop/tablet
  • The blanket my Grandma made me
  • My pets

Which charity are you most likely to support?

Which charity are you most likely to support?
  • American Cancer Society
  • St. Judes
  • Amnesty International
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • Other

Do you carry any regrets with you?

Do you carry any regrets with you?
  • Several
  • A few
  • I regret nothing