Which Habitat Suits Your Personality Best?
1nMds1f Which Habitat Suits Your Personality Best? Which Habitat Suits Your Personality Best? Where would you live if you were an animal? In the mountains or maybe a cave?

Do you like to swim?

Do you like to swim?
  • Yes
  • Not really

Do you prefer to be alone or surrounded by people?

Do you prefer to be alone or surrounded by people?
  • I prefer to be alone
  • I prefer being surrounded by people

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?
  • Indoors
  • Outdoors

Do you prefer being in the city or the country?

Do you prefer being in the city or the country?
  • I prefer the city
  • I'd prefer the country

Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?
  • Steak
  • Salad

What type of life do you prefer?

What type of life do you prefer?
  • A fast paced lifestyle
  • Slow paced lifestyle

Which activity would you like to do most?

Which activity would you like to do most?
  • Swimming
  • Hiking
  • Exploring
  • Relaxing
  • Skiing

What sort of climate do you prefer?

What sort of climate do you prefer?
  • Warm climate
  • Colder

Are you someone who likes to explore?

Are you someone who likes to explore?
  • Definitely
  • Somewhat
  • Not really

Would you say you're a risk-taker?

Would you say you're a risk-taker?
  • Yes I am
  • No I'm not