How Agile Are You?
1s7ddZP How Agile Are You? How Agile Are You?

Would you say you are quick on your feet?

Would you say you are quick on your feet?
  • Not at all
  • Sometimes I am
  • Absolutely

How quick do you respond with a witty reply?

How quick do you respond with a witty reply?
  • About a few seconds later
  • Quite a few seconds later
  • About a minute later
  • Hours later

Do you ever get out of breath when running?

Do you ever get out of breath when running?
  • Never
  • Sometimes I do
  • All the time

How often do you exercise?

How often do you exercise?
  • 6 times a week
  • 4-5 times a week
  • 2-3 times a week
  • At least once a week
  • I don't even remember

Would you consider yourself in shape?

Would you consider yourself in shape?
  • Absolutely
  • Not really
  • Not at all

Which word best describes you?

Which word best describes you?
  • Intelligent
  • Creative
  • Spontaneous
  • Reserved
  • Carefree

Are you a spontaneous person?

Are you a spontaneous person?
  • I would say so
  • Not really
  • Not at all

Do you ever go on trips?

Do you ever go on trips?
  • Of course
  • Every once in awhile
  • Not really

Are you good at getting yourself out of sticky situations?

Are you good at getting yourself out of sticky situations?
  • Absolutely
  • Sometimes
  • Not at all

What keeps you grounded?

What keeps you grounded?
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Dreams
  • Habits