What Is Your True Personality?
1zSAH2O What Is Your True Personality? What Is Your True Personality? What sort of personality do you really have?

How do you act with new people?

How do you act with new people?
  • Comfortable
  • Expressive
  • Cautious

How do you act with your friends?

How do you act with your friends?
  • Crazy
  • Casual
  • Careful

Do you tend to look on the bright side?

Do you tend to look on the bright side?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • I Try
  • Not Really

Would you ever dye your hair an unusual color?

Would you ever dye your hair an unusual color?
  • Yes!
  • Maybe
  • No!

The one who laughs loudest....

The one who laughs loudest....
  • Didn't get the joke.
  • Is the most fun.
  • Is annoying.

How do you act when offended?

How do you act when offended?
  • Offensive
  • Defensive
  • Casual
  • Nothing offends me.

Which pet would you rather love up on?

Which pet would you rather love up on?
  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Mouse
  • Something Else
  • I Prefer People

Describe your level of intelligence.

Describe your level of intelligence.
  • Average
  • More Than Most
  • Less Than Most
  • Not Sure

What would you rather be doing right now?

What would you rather be doing right now?
  • Camping
  • Swimming
  • Sleeping
  • Watching a Movie
  • Partying
  • Reading

The best stories/movies/TV shows are...

The best stories/movies/TV shows are...
  • Provocative
  • Intriguing
  • Dramatic
  • Romantic
  • Adventurous
  • Hilarious