How Many Times Have You Been Reincarnated?
How Many Times Have You Been Reincarnated?
Do you believe their life after death?
Have ever had dreams that you were living a different century?

- No, don’t dream about the past much
- Occasionally
- Lots of times
- More often than not
- All the time!
Do you believe that your soul can be reborn?

- Yes, I do.
- It's certainly possible.
- Only in certain circumstances.
- I have my doubts.
- I don't think so.
Have you ever walked into a house / building and felt like you've been there before?

- No
- I have a few times
- Many times
- I can stand outside and describe the inside.
- Not really sure
Have you ever felt like you were in someone else's body?

- Never
- Yes, I have
- Maybe
- I think many people have and just don’t say anything
- Not really sure
Have you ever had a premonition while you are awake?

- No, never
- A few times
- Yes, people say it's my gift
- People think I’m a witch
- This is a touchy subject
Do you think when you are reincarnated that you any memory of your past lives?

- Yes, in dreams.
- That's what we see in our visions
- It is possible.
- There are many signs of past lives
- No, I don’t
If you could be reborn, what would you want to be?

- Nothing. I am happy with my life.
- I would like to be the opposite sex.
- I would like to be rich.
- I would like to be in a different country.
- Not really sure
Do you look at death as the end or a new beginning?

- New beginning
- Both
- I try not think about death
- Death is the end.
- Don’t care to answer
If you could guess how many times you've been reincarnated, how many would you say?

- 0-25
- 25-50
- 50-100
- 100 or more
- Never, don’t believe in it
Which drink would you choose for your last toast?

- Wine
- Gin and Tonic
- Rum
- Beer
- Soda