What Are Your Two Most Important Traits?
What Are Your Two Most Important Traits?
What are the qualities that makes you an amazing person?
What do you believe makes a person experienced?

- Falling in love
- Achieving your ultimate goal
- Experiencing new culture
- Just regular old life
- I'm not too sure
What would you say makes you a good friend?

- My loyalty
- I'm a great motivator
- I always consider their feelings
- I take my friends out of their comfort zone
- Other
What do you look for in your own friends?

- Confidence
- Sincerity
- Depth
- Drive
- I have no clue
What do you hope to prevent in your life?

- Laziness
- Boredom
- Apathy
- Dishonesty
- Loneliness
Have you ever broken a promise?

- I have no clue
- I have a few times
- I would never
What are you passionate about?

- Independence
- Self-expression
- Being spirituality connected to life
- Helping others no matter what
- I'm not sure
What makes you a great romantic partner?

- I give great emotional support
- I take time to understand my partner
- I always speak my mind
- I encourage them to be the best they can
- I'm not sure
Do you have any regrets in life?

- Who doesn't?
- Not too many
- I can honestly say I don't
Would you say you're a stubborn person?

- Definitely
- I can be
- I wouldn't say so
Are you introverted or extroverted?