What Does Your Birth Month Say About You?
What Does Your Birth Month Say About You?
What does your birthday reveal about you?
Which decade were you born in?

- The 40's
- The 50's
- The 60's
- The 70's
- The 80's
- Other
Which month were you born in?

- September/October
- November/December
- January/February
- March/April
- May/June
- July/August
What day were you born in?

- 1-7
- 8-14
- 15-21
- 22-28
- 29-31
What time were you born at?

- 12:00AM-9AM
- 10AM-3PM
- 4PM-8PM
- 9PM-11PM
- I have no clue
Does your birthday fall on an odd-numbered day?

- Yes it does
- No it doesn't
Does your birthday fall on a major holiday?

- Yes it does
- No it doesn't
What day of the week was your last birthday on?

- Monday/Tuesday
- Wednesday/Thursday
- Friday/Saturday
- Sunday
Were you born on a leap year?

Where were you born?

- In a hospital
- At home
- In a car
- No clue/other
Do you know what the weather was when you were born?

- Rainy
- Snowy
- Sunny
- No clue