Which Japanese Word Descries You Best?
Which Japanese Word Descries You Best?
Which cool Japanese word best describes you? Answer these ten questions to find out!
Can you speak Japanese?

Have you ever been to Japan?

- Yes
- No
- No, but I want to go there someday
Do you use slang when you talk?

- Yes, new slang
- Yes, old slang
- No
You and your friend are both romantically interested in the same person. What do you do?

- Fight for the person
- Let my friend date the person
- Let the person decide who they want to be with
How many quizzes have you taken today?

- This is the first one
- Between two and five
- More than five
Which is stronger (for you, personally) your muscles or your mind?

- Muscles
- Mind
- Neither are strong
Your looks would best be described as...

When you are at work or school you are...

- Focused
- Distracted
- It depends on the day
Are you willing to fight for what you believe in?

- Yes, no matter what
- Yes, but only if it won't hurt others
- No
Pick your favorite thing to do after a long day.

- Get ahead on work
- Take wonderful personality quizzes on Quizdoo
- Spend time with my friends or partner
- Exercise