Based On These 10 Questions We Will Tell You Who You Are!
2a557ec Based On These 10 Questions We Will Tell You Who You Are! Based On These 10 Questions We Will Tell You Who You Are! Some experts say there are four main personality types and some say, humans shouldn't be categorized because, simply put, we’re far more complex. From optimistic and social to analytical and quiet and even those personalities in between, which category do you fall under? Based on these ten questions, can we tell you who you are?

How do you act when you’re the center of attention?

How do you act when you’re the center of attention?
  • I probably would be stand-offish and quiet
  • I love it! I'm happy and all smiles
  • I would get up and walk out
  • I would take it all in, and be chill
  • Not sure! Depends on my mood at the time

What do you do in your free time?

What do you do in your free time?
  • I love to read up on new things
  • I like to hang out with friends
  • Organize and set goals for myself
  • Do some yoga
  • Not sure. Depends on my mood at the time

What do you do if someone skipped you in line at the grocery store?

What do you do if someone skipped you in line at the grocery store?
  • I would just speak-up and calmly let them know they need to go to the back of the line
  • I would let the cashier handle the situation
  • I would tell them to move out of my way
  • I would let them be, they probably are in a rush and I am not
  • None. Depends on my mood

If you won the lotto, what is the first thing you would you do?

If you won the lotto, what is the first thing you would you do?
  • I wouldn't tell a soul and hire a body guard
  • I would throw a party and celebrate
  • I would move away and live on a secluded island
  • I would donate to my favorite charity
  • I would buy a bunch of stuff
  • I'm not sure

What do you do if your co-worker will not help you with a project?

What do you do if your co-worker will not help you with a project?
  • I would delegate and tell them what needs to be done
  • I would take all the credit for the assignment
  • I would be really angry and threaten them
  • I would just handle it and allow both of us to get credit for it
  • I'm not sure

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite color?
  • Pink
  • Black
  • Orange
  • White
  • All colors

Where do you like to travel in the US?

Where do you like to travel in the US?
  • Colorado
  • Las Vegas
  • New York City
  • Boston
  • Not sure

What would you do if someone was talking badly about your friends?

What would you do if someone was talking badly about your friends?
  • I would mind my business
  • I would stand up for my friend right then and there
  • I would curse them out
  • I would tell my friend at the right time
  • Depends on my mood

What is your favorite style of clothing?

What is your favorite style of clothing?
  • Something clean and comfortable
  • Anything chic and cool
  • Anything professional-looking
  • Workout clothes
  • Depends on my mood

What is your dream job?

What is your dream job?
  • I would be an astronaut
  • I would be a TV host
  • I would be a business owner
  • I would be a yoga instructor
  • None of these