Which Disney Family Are You And Your Family?
2aa54bf Which Disney Family Are You And Your Family? Which Disney Family Are You And Your Family? Do you know which Disney family is most like your family? It's time to discover exactly which Disney family you relate to the most! Embark on this quiz and discover which Disney family is really like yours!

Where would you most like to go on a family vacation?

Where would you most like to go on a family vacation?
  • A sandy beach in Hawaii
  • A mountain lodge
  • To an ancient city
  • To a national park
  • To Disney World

How does your family kill time on a road trip?

How does your family kill time on a road trip?
  • The license plate game
  • Family sing along
  • Watching movies on an iPad
  • The alphabet game
  • 20 questions

How would your kids likely describe you in one word?

How would your kids likely describe you in one word?
  • Embarrasing
  • Fun
  • Strict
  • Loving
  • Goofy

What's the most important thing you could pass onto your kids?

What's the most important thing you could pass onto your kids?
  • Good looks
  • Strong values
  • Ambition to succeed
  • Kindness and compassion
  • A sense of humor

Where does your family pet sleep?

Where does your family pet sleep?
  • In their own bed
  • In my bed
  • In the living room
  • I don't know exactly

Does your family eat dinner together?

Does your family eat dinner together?
  • We eat together every night
  • We eat together most nights
  • We eat together if there's time
  • We rarely eat together

How are disagreements typically solved in your household?

How are disagreements typically solved in your household?
  • Rock, paper, scissors
  • Lots of shouting
  • Empty threats
  • A family meeting
  • It depends

Would you ever take your kids to the grocery store with you?

Would you ever take your kids to the grocery store with you?
  • I always take my kids to the grocery store with me
  • I often take them with me
  • I never take them with me

What do you value most in your family?

What do you value most in your family?
  • Tradition
  • Faith
  • One another
  • Time together
  • Having fun

Who does most of the cooking in your family?

Who does most of the cooking in your family?
  • Me or my spouse
  • Typically only me
  • My kids
  • Our live in chef