How Judgmental Are You Really?
2b90854 How Judgmental Are You Really? How Judgmental Are You Really? Everybody makes snap judgements, it's part of being human. But some people go a little further. Take this quiz to reveal how judgmental you really are.

Do you think that others often let themselves go?

Do you think that others often let themselves go?
  • Yes
  • No

Skinny people are _______.

Skinny people are _______.
  • Lucky
  • Hard-working
  • Too "into themselves"
  • None of these

Have you kissed any frogs in your past?

Have you kissed any frogs in your past?
  • Yes
  • No, they were all princes

Do you think that people keep their promises?

Do you think that people keep their promises?
  • Usually
  • Sometimes
  • Not very often

Do you have opinions about how other people should parent?

Do you have opinions about how other people should parent?
  • Yes
  • Yes, but I keep them to myself
  • Not really

Are you guilty of having road rage?

Are you guilty of having road rage?
  • Yes
  • A few times
  • No

Do you think that people are transparent on social media?

Do you think that people are transparent on social media?
  • Yes
  • No, they only show the best bits
  • No, it's all staged
  • None of these

Your first impressions are...

Your first impressions are...
  • Usually spot on
  • Usually wrong

On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being "extremely happy", how happy are you?

On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Do you think that others are judging you?

Do you think that others are judging you?
  • Constantly
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely or never