How Proud Are You To Be An American?
How Proud Are You To Be An American?
Your answers will reveal just how much of a patriot you actually are.
You think that hotdogs are...

- Delicious
- Disgusting
- They're Ok
Do you watch the Super bowl?

- Yes! Every Year!
- If a team that I like is playing
- I do, but mainly to watch the commercials
- No
Are you a Veteran?

- Yes
- No
- I am Active Duty Military
How do you celebrate July 4th?

- Be setting off fireworks
- By watching a fireworks show
- Having a BBQ
- Swimming
- More than one of these
- None of these
When you go through a drive-thru you...

- Eat the food in the car
- Wait until you get home to eat it
- I don't usually frequent drive thrus
How many cars do you own?

Do you have any items depicting the American Flag in your home décor?

How many times a month do you order pizza?

- 4 or more
- 3
- 2
- 1
- Less than 1
How big is your house?

- Less than 800 sq feet
- 800-1200 sq feet
- 1200-2000 sq feet
- 2000 sq feet or more
How many languages do you speak?