How Healthy Are You Really?
2d83ad9 How Healthy Are You Really? How Healthy Are You Really? You might think you're the epitome of health and fitness, but how healthy are you really? Take these 10 questions and find out if you're really as healthy as you think you are!

Do you usually eat breakfast?

Do you usually eat breakfast?
  • Every morning
  • When I have time
  • Never

Is your job mostly sedentary (sitting down)?

Is your job mostly sedentary (sitting down)?
  • I only sit down all day
  • I move around quite a bit
  • It depends on the day

Do you indulge in sweets everyday?

Do you indulge in sweets everyday?
  • Yes I can't help it
  • I indulge every few days
  • I rarely indulge in sweets

How often do you eat fast food?

How often do you eat fast food?
  • Multiple times a week
  • Every few weeks
  • Almost never

Are you currently in a relationship?

Are you currently in a relationship?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It's complicated

Which workout is your go to?

Which workout is your go to?
  • Yoga
  • Zumba
  • Running
  • I don't work out

Can you name the last five presidents starting with the most recent?

Can you name the last five presidents starting with the most recent?
  • All of them
  • I can name three of them
  • I can name one of them

Do you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables?

Do you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables?
  • Absolutely
  • Not so much
  • When I can

What's your go to snack when watching TV?

What's your go to snack when watching TV?
  • Popcorn
  • Potato chips
  • Ice cream
  • I try not to snack while watching TV

In your opinion butter is.....

In your opinion butter is.....
  • Fine in moderation
  • My savior
  • Not a good option