How Much Of A Leader Is Your Soul?
2f548ee How Much Of A Leader Is Your Soul? How Much Of A Leader Is Your Soul? How much of a leader is your soul? Are you the type of person to always take charge, do you always follow orders, or do you fall somewhere in the middle? Take this quiz to find out.

Do you like to work alone or with others?

Do you like to work alone or with others?
  • I work alone
  • Working with a partner is nice
  • Working with a group is helpful

Which of these are your favorite sports to play?

Which of these are your favorite sports to play?
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Golf
  • Football
  • Other

You have been offered a promotion at work! You have to do more, but you also get paid more. Do you take it?

You have been offered a promotion at work! You have to do more, but you also get paid more. Do you take it?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It depends on what I would be doing

Which young adult book series would you rather be a part of?

Which young adult book series would you rather be a part of?
  • Harry Potter
  • The Hunger Games
  • Twilight
  • Lord of the Rings

Would you rather teach or take an exercise class?

Would you rather teach or take an exercise class?
  • Teach
  • Take
  • I don't exercise

What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?

What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
  • Stay in a shelter and hide
  • Try to find a cure
  • Search for survivors
  • Fight the zombies

How often do you slack off?

How often do you slack off?
  • All of the time
  • Sometimes
  • Hardly ever
  • Never

Do you ask for advice or give advice more often?

Do you ask for advice or give advice more often?
  • Ask for advice
  • Give advice
  • I do both equally as often

Do you/did you participate in class discussions?

Do you/did you participate in class discussions?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Only if I am being graded for it

How many friends do you have?

How many friends do you have?
  • None
  • 1-5
  • 6-20
  • 20+