How Mature Are You?
How Mature Are You?
Do you act your age? Take this quiz to find out just how mature you really are.
When people guess your age they usually guess..

- Younger than you really are
- Right on the nose
- Older than you really are
- I don't know
When was the last time you wrote a Thank You note?

- This week
- Sometime this year
- Not since my mother made me
- I can't remember
- None of these
Do you take the time to celebrate your successes?

- Yes
- Sometimes
- No
- I don't know
Which of the following is the most important to you?

- My Family
- My Career
- My Health
- Myself
- I don't know
If somebody challenged you to go a whole day without your cellphone, would you take them up on it?

- Yes
- Maybe
- No
- I don't know
Who do you think is responsible for guiding today's youth?

- I am
- Their parents are
- Their teachers are
- We all are
- I don't even know how I feel about marriage
Do you ever worry about the future of our planet?

- Yes
- Sometimes
- Not really
- I don't know
Do you follow a budget?

- Strictly
- Loosely
- Not at all
- I don't know
Do you have a hard time asking for help when you need it?

- Yes
- Sometimes
- No
- I don't know
How good are you at solving your own problems?

- Very good
- I still need help
- I rely on others to solve them for me
- None of these