How Good Are You In An Office Job?
33d8314 How Good Are You In An Office Job? How Good Are You In An Office Job? Are you meant for office life? #quiz #quizzes

How do you feel about structure?

How do you feel about structure?
  • I love it
  • It helps keep me on task
  • I'm okay with it
  • I'm not a huge fan
  • I absolutely hate it

Do you want to be in charge of others?

Do you want to be in charge of others?
  • Yes I do
  • No I don't

Would you be able going to meetings frequently?

Would you be able going to meetings frequently?
  • No, I would be so bored
  • I could tolerate then
  • I'd be perfectly fine with that

What would your current boss say about you?

What would your current boss say about you?
  • Detail-Orientated
  • Professional
  • Has potential
  • Team Player
  • Creative

Which of these best describe you?

Which of these best describe you?
  • Thinker
  • Doer
  • Organizer
  • Helper
  • Creator

Would you mind getting up early for work?

Would you mind getting up early for work?
  • Not at all
  • I do it already
  • Possibly
  • I probably could tolerate it
  • Not at all

What would be your ideal working space?

What would be your ideal working space?
  • Clean and organized
  • A messy area
  • Somewhere at my house
  • A nice open area
  • I'm not sure

Which of these do you prefer to work with?

Which of these do you prefer to work with?
  • Imagination
  • Body
  • Voice
  • Emotions
  • Logic

Formal or casual office wear?

Formal or casual office wear?
  • I'd prefer formal
  • I'd prefer casual

How would you spend a free hour at work?

How would you spend a free hour at work?
  • Chatting with people
  • Catching up on more work
  • Sitting outdoors
  • Grabbing some snacks
  • I'm not sure