Are You A Good Wife?
359be01 Are You A Good Wife? Are You A Good Wife? You might think you’re doing all you can when it comes to being a good wife, but are you really? Take this quiz and find out if you’re really a good wife!

Are you currently married?

Are you currently married?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I'm not sure why I'm taking this quiz

How long have you been married to your spouse?

How long have you been married to your spouse?
  • Less than a year
  • 1-2 years
  • 3-4 years
  • 5+ years
  • Other

Where did you first meet your spouse?

Where did you first meet your spouse?
  • At work
  • At school
  • Through friends
  • Online
  • Other

Why did you choose to get married?

Why did you choose to get married?
  • He was the one for me
  • It made sense
  • To share expenses
  • For the wedding
  • Other

If you had unlimited funds, what would you plan as a date night with your significant other?

If you had unlimited funds, what would you plan as a date night with your significant other?
  • Dancing and drinks
  • A concert and the bar
  • Dinner and a movie
  • Who cares about money, we're staying in and cuddling!
  • Weekend trip to somewhere new
  • Other

How often do you surprise your significant other with a thoughtful gesture or gift?

How often do you surprise your significant other with a thoughtful gesture or gift?
  • All the time
  • Whenever I can
  • Every now and then
  • Never
  • Other

Who makes all the decisions in your household?

Who makes all the decisions in your household?
  • My spouse
  • My spouse and I
  • It depends on the situation
  • Other

How do you greet your spouse after work?

How do you greet your spouse after work?
  • With a big hug and kiss
  • With a good drink
  • With a foot massage
  • With no clothes on
  • Other

On average, how much does your spouse help you with household chores?

On average, how much does your spouse help you with household chores?
  • All the time
  • Every now and then
  • Never

On a scale of 1-10, how affectionate are you with your spouse?

On a scale of 1-10, how affectionate are you with your spouse?
  • 10
  • 8
  • 6
  • 5
  • 3
  • Other