Are You An Alien?
Are You An Alien?
Do you come from space?
Do you ever feel like you don't fit in at all?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- No I don't
Do you ever feel like you're being called somewhere on nights when you can't fall asleep?

- Yes I do actually
- Not that I've noticed
- Only once or twice
How would you describe your dreams?

- Eccentric
- Pretty normal
- A bit silly
Do you ever feel as though you're being watched?

- All the time
- Sometimes I do
- No I don't
How would you say your intelligence ranks compared to others?

- It's average
- It's lower than average
- It's higher than average
Have you ever seen a UFO with your own eyes?

- Not at all
- I'm not sure
- Yes I have
What time of day do you prefer?

- Early morning
- Afternoon
- Evening
Do you prefer to be surrounded by people or be alone?

- Be surrounded by others
- Be alone
- It depends
Do you ever experience deja vu?

- Yes I do
- Sometimes
- No I don't
Do you find yourself questioning your existence on earth?

- All the time
- No I haven't
- Every once in awhile